• All "stars" of the Giardino Eden

    The “levantuolo” is not just a wind: the sailors and anglers know the morning and Eastern breeze very well. Soft and warm, this breath warmed only by the first sun of the day helps to create a special microclimate, ideal for a swim in the clear

  • The Enchantment of the Eden Park

    There are places where time seems to stop, spaces in which to find the serenity and the peace that in this world seem to be escaping continuously.

    The “Eden” Park of Ischia is in this sense a harmonious oasis of beauty and

  • The water charm in Cartaromana

    Eden is revealed to visitors through a thousand forms. Matter of views, with always the same results.
    Views of regulars or travelers of occasion, arrivingby sea sailing over the South routes, the eyes of those who arrive in this place
